custom canvas project

A classic cadillac. hawaii. and a passion for graffiti.

This project started off on a high note. The client wanted something bold, big, and impressive. The car itself was a masterpiece: sleek, long, and low, with a stunning black finish that reflected like a mirror. It was automotive perfection.

I began with the base illustration, working digitally and hand-drawing on my trusty iPad. Once the illustration was complete, I enhanced it with digital spray paint and dripping effects, and incorporated mountains from the client's favorite beach in Hawaii.

Next, I printed the artwork on a large five-foot by five-foot canvas. It was impressive, but the project wasn’t finished yet. With the canvas in hand, I brought out my acrylic paints and brushes to add hand-painted Hawaiian flowers, along with authentic runny paint and spray paint accents. This blending of digital and traditional techniques resulted in a truly unique piece of art.

Creating this artwork was an amazing experience and stands as my favorite project to date. Do you have an idea for something extraordinary? Let’s talk.

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